Frequently asked questions for students
The worst that can happen is that you can be expelled from the University for student misconduct, which is only rarely needed. In most circumstances, the student is placed on disciplinary probation with some conditions for successful completion of the probation, such as: involvement in an educational project, community service, restitution for damage or theft, or an assessment with a counselor to address concerns that might be related to the student's well-being. If you've been charged with academic dishonesty, see the Academic Standards Policy.
Your case will be investigated by the Assistant Dean, Student Conduct or a designee and an attempt will be made to resolve your case informally. Whether the complaining party is a faculty member, a staff member or a fellow student the standard of objective proof remains the same. The burden of proof for any report alleging student misconduct is on the University representative who must show by a preponderance of the evidence that it is more likely than not that the student was responsible for the misconduct as charged. If the case cannot be informally resolved, you have the right to present your case before an impartial hearing board or hearing officer. At this hearing you will be given the opportunity to bring witnesses on your behalf and to ask questions to the witnesses provided by the University.
The information is private, since it is part of your educational record. You have the authority to decide when and if this information may be released. Any record of misconduct is confidential and protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Any student who is a victim of a crime of violence may receive information on the outcome of the case, but this information is privileged information as well.