CHS 494: Field Studies in Public Health

CHS 494 is designed to be a culminating portfolio development and service learning experience for students during their senior year. Through this experience, students will work through the three core components of knowledge, action, and reflection that are essential to service learning. The course will allow students to complete a 100-hour unpaid/paid internship in the local community.

Additionally, this course will allow students to build a personal career portfolio that will be useful to effectively network in order to secure a job and to launch a professional career. Finally, the course will incorporate seminar speakers who will provide stories from the field and give a "call to action" to future public health professionals.

Finally, this course is mostly web-based. Virtual classrooms have been set-up throughout the semester to give students opportunities to ask questions and to review course content. Spring and fall courses may require at least one in-person day as part of the Health Professions Community Panel Expo. See course schedule for more details.

Frequently asked questions